Meet the artist

I currently live on the Oregon coast, I spent my youth running around the mountains of NW Montana. My greatest pleasure comes from being out in nature and capturing images of it to bring to the world my vision of our natural world.

   Nature is so amazing and fantastic, I have been just a few meters from an Bald eagle as it dives into the river to catch a fish, I have been stocked by a mountain lion, charged by by a black bear, bitten by a wolf and witnessed some of the most amazing sunrise and sunsets you could ever imagine. My goal is to capture these moments I have been blessed to witness and bring them to you through my eyes. Experiencing a giant wave on the Pacific coast of Oregon as it crashes so close you get soaked by the spray. seeing a fresh layer of snow as the sun rises and turns it gold with the morning light or watching the Arora Borealis as it blows up the night sky. 

Call me today at (406) 212-1675 to find out more about my background and my skills. I look forward to working together with you!

Areas Covered

Waldport, Nation wide

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